Incredible !! I’ve been a fan since the start and will be til my number is up. I wish I could have seen the founding six but I started seeing them when Lamar Williams stepped in on bass and all the way up till August 7, 2012 in Boston. Please keep their legacy alive. I’ve been playing the drums since second grade and will play til I drop. They gave me the drive and they had a drive like no other band. It’s on my bucket list to visit the Museum house and Rose Hill Cemetary to Thank them for 46 years of incredible music as well as their solo work before the Allman Brothers Band and after.
I have a cut out wall from Burt Reynolds studio that was tagged with autographs . It came from his ranch he owned in Jupiter Florida. It has everyone from the band 1994.I assume you would visit and do some jams back then. Would like to see it get a good home .
Cool ! What game are you most looking forward to this weekend? We got RedZone so we are stuck to the tube all day!
He's not kidding about being stuck to the tube all day. Once Red Zone starts we find it hard to do anything else but watch! 🙂
Since Lana is a Packers fan, naturally "we" are not Bears fans – but yup, they looked pretty good.
I've never signed up for Red Zone. I know what it is but I have no experience with it I checked and saw I can get a 7 day experiment with them.
No kidding – ridiculous. I changed the channel and thought it was all sewn up. As a Minnesota fan, we don't need that kind of luck. Its going to be hard enough for us the way it is. Looked much better today though
Saw that last night. Ugh, let's hope everyone is OK and this is not a trend…
They might be second guessing the Foles decision ??
And second time for Nick Foles!
That is heartbreaking – to get that close!!! Our Panthers managed to win third in a row – we've definitely blown our #1 draft pick now. First win in Atlanta since 2014, unreal.
Hey Mitch, I’m so happy to be back home with you!! Love to you and Marie! 🙂
Glad to be here!
……and the vikings in last place
Yeah and they had to take down our Panthers on the way there :)!
I love seeing things released and come to us but this you can still get on Amazon we would love new unheard shows like “the final note “ or an official release of anything new to us THANKS FOR IT ALL REGARDLESS
I had to rejoin because my previous account was deleted when this site was updated a while back. I have photos posted from the 3/16/200 Beacon show, including a very young Derek Trucks.
I had to rejoin because my previous account was deleted when this site was updated a while back. I have photos posted from the 3/16/200 Beacon show, including a very young Derek Trucks.
We are doing very well! Melissa says, “Hi!” How are you, Roland and Cheyenne?
“Hi!”, to Melissa! 🙂 Rowland and I moved to the country (Caswell Co., NC) about a year ago to be closer to Shey and her husband Zivon. We’ve got 6 acres, so a lot of room to stretch out in even though we’ve been self-isolated since early March.
Hey Steve, I’m so glad you’re here! 🙂 Rowland and I moved to Caswell Co., NC about a year ago to be closer to Shey and her husband, Zivon. We have about 6 acres to stretch out on even though we’ve been self-isolating since early March. I hope you have a wonder*full holiday season and am very. very happy that you are staying safe and well. Much love!
Thanks Lana – we are doing much better now, although my sense of smell isn’t quite back yet….
Hiya Lana! 🙂
Are you really sure about following that rowland guy? 😉
I just uploaded all the shows and recordings I had saved on CD to lots of extra stuff too…other bands I recorded or played with. ABB tribute show vids. Check it out
Hope all is well for you. Thanks for checking in
Wow Ron! Quite a collection there. I’ll check it for sure. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and take care.
Nerves… gets to everyone even at the pro level.
Our Panthers finally won a game, and weirdly without McCaffrey and Bridgewater. Defies logic 🙂
Looks like a hell of a lot more fun than how the sessions were edited for the ‘Let It Be” film. So looking forward to this.
Will this film be released to buy at some point on DVD?
Gotcha. it’s raining like hell today in the southeast, so it will probably be Monday before I get this in the mail. I’ll message again when it’s safely on its way
I’ll take the rain over the -15 wind chill and -2 temps and going down from there for the next 2 or 3 days
Thank you and there is no worries at all. Just a fun hobby to pass time, meet people and end enjoy the tunes. Much appreciated!
Hi Michael. Hmm dunno if my last DM got to you, but yesterday was a ‘postal holiday’, so I just got it into the mail today. Be on the lookout for expected delivery on Saturday. USPS also provides a tracking number 9500 1123 3387 1047 4393 67. Happy to share.
Thank You, Went down there this morning. I wish I would have seen this DM before I went. I started my car for the first time since before Christmas and got down there and had to get a jump. Usually have to drive my 4wd truck in the winter but it looks like the thaw is beginning. Looks like it is running late but no worries. Thanks again for sharing!
I have to wonder if any enhancements at all have been applied here, either in terms of remastering the sound or adding additional text/graphics to the package itself. It is a pretty handsome set all around in its previously-released 2003 form…
I know. I really don’t check in here much anymore. You’ll appreciate the fact that the guy posting in the forum on this site named Robertdee is blackey from the old site. 😮
haha – why the name change – still same old the world ended with the motorcycle crash ?
Yeah; his script is identical to how you remember it
Why is The Brothers video not available in 4K like it was streamed, and why is it not available to purchase as a stream on apple or Amazon? I know it’s on Amazon coda subscription service, but not for purchase? Seems like a wasted opportunity, no 4K, highly disappointed, such a wonderful show should be available in its highest quality!
Hi first of all thank you for accepting me to your group. I’m trying to locate an old friend who lost contact with around 2004. His name Mike Gibson from PA. Huge Allmans fan & taper. If anyone knows him or if he is still with us. I would very grateful for your help.
sorry my name is Simon Elsey by UK by the way & we had a common collecting interest in Springsteen also,
There’s enough blame to go around, we ended slavery, back in the civil-war, hundreds of thousands of white men, gave their lives, to free slaves they never knew, this is not about skin color, I’m talking about humanity! If we fail to learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat it! Don’t allow the hatred of a few Communist Anarchists destroy our Homeland! Let’s get ahold of the situation at hand, come together for peace in America!
What is really going on here? We all know that freedom is the only way, we don’t allow a dictator, tyranny, and what makes America unique is the Constitution! WE THE PEOPLE, forgiveness brings about happiness, forgiveness allows love to flow, we have had enough hatred, murder, violence, we must stop the people paying for destruction in America! Obama, Soros, Clinton, Gates, Ayers, Holder, Jarrett, Rice, Dorn, and the DNC! Vengeance is not up to us, we are not able to live with hatred, we must “ASK FOR FORGIVENESS” before there is forgiveness! Our government massacred Native Americans like they were dogs, did they ask for forgiveness?
Did our government massacre African Americans? Was there an African American Holocaust? My ancestors were enslaved, massacred by the English, had their wives raped by Englishmen on their wedding day! The Jews were enslaved by the Egyptians 400 years, their land occupied by everyone else, they live on a strip of land too small, given the fact that God gave all the land as far as the eye could see, as an inheritance for the Jews!
A lie has never been good, in business it is not a characteristic of good business practices to lie, that is ridiculous! When did a lie conquer the truth? This flip-flop came in with Obama! This division came in with Obama! Bill Ayers manufactured Obama!
We must begin again with the truth, we must have logic return! The Obama Administration is in its 3rd term, and the poison they spew will destroy us if we don’t get ahold of it!
We must humble ourselves, before God, and ask for forgiveness, and then, only then can we move forward together! People have made promises of a workless society, no work and get paid! That is 3rd grader logic! The ones making those promises are going to stab you in the back then move to their private island!
The People, are the only way America works, it’s how our Forefathers designed it!
No one, can dwell on past-atrocities! We learn and we move forward, only the bully uses past atrocities to rile up the anger within, it is for their benefit, while the angry fight, the bully robs!
There is nothing good about living in hatred, revenge, vengeance! Everyone can see the toll of idle hands, our world turns when we work, work for pay is healthy, filling churches is healthy, we thrive with peace and happy hearts!
Do not fall victim to evil ideologies, again the evil proper as you do their dirty deeds! The neighborhood burns, the attention is on that distraction, and the evil are busy raking in the booty! Not that booty!
We do not desire hatred, the ones that do, do so to manipulate! Love is happiness! Hatred is destruction.
I love you all, short, thin, and tall, your skin has color? How beautiful is that? Why would your skin tone be a bad thing? It isn’t, and never has, only bad, hateful people use distractive techniques as a way to manipulate! We are smarter than that!
How boring would life be if we were all the same? You are beautiful as you are right now!
Ty Glad to be a member
Thank you❤
A man both Duane and Gregg had a connection with. Gregg highly praises his friendship with Chank. My guess he was an unassuming man and simply got into a groove with both brothers, but especially Gregg subsequent to Duane’s death. It’s somewhat odd how friendships develop, some many factors involved. We can be eternally grateful for those that do, when the connection is established that lasts a lifetime.
I was at this show. Not sure why I thought about the Slip opening for the ABB. But I do remember that one of the guys in the Slip commented how surreal it was to be opening, and that years earlier he and his brother had hopped the rear wall at (then) Greatwoods to sneak into an ABB show. So awesome.
I was at that show, but it wasn’t a show. My high school, Nova, was right next door. I don’t remember the date, but it wasn’t a school day. I heard a rumor that the Brothers were going to jam at BCC. I had never seen them before, and I drove around trying to find some friends but couldn’t connect with any of them. No cell phones back then! So, I drove out there and sure enough, in the college field, a panel truck, a few vans and cars were lined up and equipment was being unloaded. It was them, gearing up with generators, some plywood, speakers, instruments, coolers, and drinks. There they were Duane, Dickey, Gregg, and the gang. There were maybe thirty onlookers like me. Didn’t take long and out came Whipping Post, Elizabeth Reed, and Statesboro I think, and other tunes I don’t remember. They played for a little over an hour, maybe more, with some of it being a rehearsal. When it was over there were several hundred spectators. Previously, it was the Beach Boys, Beatles, and Stones. Then Jimi, Cream, Doors, Ten Years After, Jeff Beck, Buffalo Springfield, CSNY, and the Grateful Airplane took me. And that day at BCC the Brothers chiseled their way in too, but before the year ended, the band lost Duane. Duane’s loss was huge. I graduated from high school that year. I’ve forgotten most of what they played on that field, but I’ll never forget the feeling and admiration I had for their music that day.
Agree with jimm46 and RandyGalvan. The database is wrong. The 1974 show was at the Civic Arena. The roof opened just as the Allman Brothers began their set. The Three Rivers event was in 1973.
So sad to hear the news. The greats ones are leaving us more and more often.
“Jessica” is very close to my heart, as that’s the name of our oldest. When we found out we were having a girl, I called the radio station and made a request.
Play on, Dickey. No one can stop you now, but I guess Duane might want a solo or two as you jam in the great gig in the sky.
This show had Marc Quiniones, Oteil Burbridge and Jack Pearson. “Blue Sky” had the “Franklin’s Tower” intro and Jack sang “Dimples”. Quote of the night from Gregg on “Stormy Monday” – “Jack, get a piece of this!” before Jack’s solo.
Produced by Bill Graham (RIP). $7.50, reserved seats, Oakland Coliseum Arena (indoors).
Since it was reserved seats, as the end of the show neared (or so we thought), at at the end of each song we’d move to a pair of open, closer seats. We finally made it right to the front of the stage before the encore(s), and it seemed they played at least another 30+ minutes, including Whipping Post and Mountain Jam. Pretty great show! I’ve got the stub somewhere…
R.I.P. Dickey. I will always remember you and your music for helping me during a crucial time in my life of great upheaval. Thank you for the guitar pick you gave me out of the watch pocket of your jeans when I met you. But most of all, thanks for the music.
Ah; I remember this evening vividly. This, or course, was many years (16 to be exact) before Peach Fest was established at the same location. It was a rainy, rainy night on Montage Mountain. Took my friend, the late Trevor Pontz, to it and it was his first show of many. A local band called the Badlees opened. They weren’t very good, as I recall people sort of bustin’ on them. The Brothers scorched the mountain that night though. I remember almost everyone at this show was tripping their faces off, rain notwithstanding. Anyway, just listening to a recording of it currently and it brings back a lot of fond memories.
I was at this concert at RFK. It was way too hot, and there was no shade where we were sitting, which was way up in the bleachers. I went with friends. We drove down from NY.
I first saw The Allman Brothers Band at Fillmore East on 2/11/1970 late show when they were the opening act for the Grateful Dead headliners. The Dead were pretty dull, but the Allman Brothers came out on stage to jam with the Dead, which really picked things up. Then, the original 3 Fleetwood Mac guitarists joined the jam, which lasted until morning. The sun was coming up When the doors opened to let people out.
I also saw The Allman Brothers Band on March 13, 1971, the late show, when the Fillmore East album was recorded.
I first saw The Allman Brothers Band at Fillmore East on 2/11/1970 at the late show when they were the opening act for the Grateful Dead headliners. The ABB were incredible from the first notes of In Memory Of Elizabeth Reed. The second act was Arthur Lee’s group Love, who were pretty good. The Dead were pretty dull, but the Allman Brothers came out on stage to jam with the Dead, which really picked things up. Then, the original 3 Fleetwood Mac guitarists joined the jam, which lasted until morning. The sun was coming up When the doors opened to let people out.
As member Randy Galvan states above, the opening acts were Blue Oyster Cult, John Hammond (solo) and the Alex Taylor Band. The brother of James Taylor, Alex fronted an R&B style band and they played a smokin’ set of music. John Hammond came onstage and played harp with the ABB on one song
early in their set. I think that it was “Done Somebody Wrong”. Dickey Betts was handling all the lead guitar parts at this time and he was in fine form that night. And Berry Oakley was holding down the bottom end. The band was tight, but they were obviously missing the spark that Duane Allman always brought! They played most of the songs from At Filmore East, with extended jams. We ran into some friends in the parking lot before the show and they were passing around a jug of Mushroom tea. The Jai Alai Fronton was a sports venue built with poured cement and cinder blocks. The ABB was the loudest band that I had ever heard. They literally pinned you to the back of your seat like a butterfly in a framed taxidermy collection! The Mushroom tea might have added to the effect. Before the show started, someone cranked up a Harley-Davidson backstage and revved the engine. The sound reverberated throughout narrow hall. Just to let everybody know that the ABB was “Alive and kickin'”.
God speed Jimmy Carter.A good humanitarian and southern gentleman that understood ABB and they understood him.Wish it could happen these days.I guess I am dreaming!
Wow! remember Gregg’s face sitting next to Diana t awards ceremony! GA was beside himself 🙂
Too true! I searched for a photo of Gregg and Diana on Google and several from the 54th Annual Grammy Awards popped up. He looks almost giddy! 🙂
It’s an honor to see such great artists at such an intimate venue! He made a comment about his CD’s – said Spotify is nice but doesn’t pay them anything. Pretty much what I’ve heard from other artists – you get tens of thousands of streams and you might get enough for a dinner out.
“The Allman Brothers Band: February 1971. This show was by the original sextet, a month before they recorded the immortal Live at the Fillmore East album. The Troy concert had the same song selections, for the most part. Guitarist Duane Allman would die from injuries sustained in a motorcycle wreck on October 29 of the same annum, just before the Fillmore East album was released.
(TANGENT: When the Allmans took a break at the TSU concert, a student named Barry Diamond did a stand-up comedy routine. In later years he appeared in movies such as Bachelor Party and National Lampoon’s Class Reunion.)”
Incredible !! I’ve been a fan since the start and will be til my number is up. I wish I could have seen the founding six but I started seeing them when Lamar Williams stepped in on bass and all the way up till August 7, 2012 in Boston. Please keep their legacy alive. I’ve been playing the drums since second grade and will play til I drop. They gave me the drive and they had a drive like no other band. It’s on my bucket list to visit the Museum house and Rose Hill Cemetary to Thank them for 46 years of incredible music as well as their solo work before the Allman Brothers Band and after.
Warm Regards,
I have a cut out wall from Burt Reynolds studio that was tagged with autographs . It came from his ranch he owned in Jupiter Florida. It has everyone from the band 1994.I assume you would visit and do some jams back then. Would like to see it get a good home .
How about the Big House in Macon Ga? That’s the official Allman Brothers Museum.
Cool ! What game are you most looking forward to this weekend? We got RedZone so we are stuck to the tube all day!
He's not kidding about being stuck to the tube all day. Once Red Zone starts we find it hard to do anything else but watch! 🙂
Since Lana is a Packers fan, naturally "we" are not Bears fans – but yup, they looked pretty good.
I've never signed up for Red Zone. I know what it is but I have no experience with it I checked and saw I can get a 7 day experiment with them.
No kidding – ridiculous. I changed the channel and thought it was all sewn up. As a Minnesota fan, we don't need that kind of luck. Its going to be hard enough for us the way it is. Looked much better today though
And you were able to stay awake for it!
It was a great game!
Saw that last night. Ugh, let's hope everyone is OK and this is not a trend…
They might be second guessing the Foles decision ??
And second time for Nick Foles!
That is heartbreaking – to get that close!!! Our Panthers managed to win third in a row – we've definitely blown our #1 draft pick now. First win in Atlanta since 2014, unreal.
Hey Mitch, I’m so happy to be back home with you!! Love to you and Marie! 🙂
Glad to be here!
……and the vikings in last place
Yeah and they had to take down our Panthers on the way there :)!
I love seeing things released and come to us but this you can still get on Amazon we would love new unheard shows like “the final note “ or an official release of anything new to us THANKS FOR IT ALL REGARDLESS
I love chicken pot pie – we get them from Costco once in a while, but they are so big they last for days. I'll have to try this out – Thanks!
Pete Pardo’s Youtube channels like Sea Of Tranquility are great. He is knowledgeable and informative and his videos are really good
Oh no! I'll let Rowland know! Much love!
Definitely a Monday highlight along with folding laundry 🙂 !
Tab! Always a killer show.
Hi, Love love love ABB. Both old and new with the siblings!!!! I can’t wait to go out to venues again having ABB venue withdrawals
FWIW, JaBuMa is a compression of the names Jaimoe, Butch, and Marc.
I had to rejoin because my previous account was deleted when this site was updated a while back. I have photos posted from the 3/16/200 Beacon show, including a very young Derek Trucks.
I had to rejoin because my previous account was deleted when this site was updated a while back. I have photos posted from the 3/16/200 Beacon show, including a very young Derek Trucks.
We are doing very well! Melissa says, “Hi!” How are you, Roland and Cheyenne?
“Hi!”, to Melissa! 🙂 Rowland and I moved to the country (Caswell Co., NC) about a year ago to be closer to Shey and her husband Zivon. We’ve got 6 acres, so a lot of room to stretch out in even though we’ve been self-isolated since early March.
Hey Steve, I’m so glad you’re here! 🙂 Rowland and I moved to Caswell Co., NC about a year ago to be closer to Shey and her husband, Zivon. We have about 6 acres to stretch out on even though we’ve been self-isolating since early March. I hope you have a wonder*full holiday season and am very. very happy that you are staying safe and well. Much love!
Thanks Lana – we are doing much better now, although my sense of smell isn’t quite back yet….
Hiya Lana! 🙂
Are you really sure about following that rowland guy? 😉
I just uploaded all the shows and recordings I had saved on CD to lots of extra stuff too…other bands I recorded or played with. ABB tribute show vids. Check it out
Hope all is well for you. Thanks for checking in
Wow Ron! Quite a collection there. I’ll check it for sure. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and take care.
Nerves… gets to everyone even at the pro level.
Our Panthers finally won a game, and weirdly without McCaffrey and Bridgewater. Defies logic 🙂
Looks like a hell of a lot more fun than how the sessions were edited for the ‘Let It Be” film. So looking forward to this.
Will this film be released to buy at some point on DVD?
I entered the contest !
Did you win BlueDaddio?
Oh this looks really cool! I hope it comes to streaming. I’d love to see it.
That looks really good…..
It really is. 🙂
Hello, Lana Rhymes With Donna!
Doing great brother !! How are you ?
Hi Michael.
Gotcha. it’s raining like hell today in the southeast, so it will probably be Monday before I get this in the mail. I’ll message again when it’s safely on its way
I’ll take the rain over the -15 wind chill and -2 temps and going down from there for the next 2 or 3 days
Thank you and there is no worries at all. Just a fun hobby to pass time, meet people and end enjoy the tunes. Much appreciated!
Hi Michael. Hmm dunno if my last DM got to you, but yesterday was a ‘postal holiday’, so I just got it into the mail today. Be on the lookout for expected delivery on Saturday. USPS also provides a tracking number 9500 1123 3387 1047 4393 67. Happy to share.
Thank You, Went down there this morning. I wish I would have seen this DM before I went. I started my car for the first time since before Christmas and got down there and had to get a jump. Usually have to drive my 4wd truck in the winter but it looks like the thaw is beginning. Looks like it is running late but no worries. Thanks again for sharing!
I have to wonder if any enhancements at all have been applied here, either in terms of remastering the sound or adding additional text/graphics to the package itself. It is a pretty handsome set all around in its previously-released 2003 form…
more insight and information here: …
Sorry that I just saw this! Melissa and I have been in the same house for nine years in Walpole, Massachusetts.
I have been giving Duck Tours in Boston since 2008.
Seamus and Caroline (who goes by her middle name, Rose) are 20 & 18 and both in college.
Things are going very well. I did make it to the magnificence that was The Brothers at MSG one year ago today!!
I am looking forward to buykng the video the instant it comes out!
Shit! That was supposed to be ok ne message!! Sorry, I’m on my phone and don’t hit “SHIFT” with the return arrow.
Searching for ABB St. Louis, MO. Fox Theater 7.1.92. Lots to trade if you can help!
Where is this new release?
Can’t wait to buy it.
That sounds beautiful. Do you have any dogs?
Doing good and great to see you here !
No 🤪
And your Phoho ? … 😉
Doesn’t look like it, does it?
I know. I really don’t check in here much anymore. You’ll appreciate the fact that the guy posting in the forum on this site named Robertdee is blackey from the old site. 😮
haha – why the name change – still same old the world ended with the motorcycle crash ?
Yeah; his script is identical to how you remember it
Why is The Brothers video not available in 4K like it was streamed, and why is it not available to purchase as a stream on apple or Amazon? I know it’s on Amazon coda subscription service, but not for purchase? Seems like a wasted opportunity, no 4K, highly disappointed, such a wonderful show should be available in its highest quality!
Hi first of all thank you for accepting me to your group. I’m trying to locate an old friend who lost contact with around 2004. His name Mike Gibson from PA. Huge Allmans fan & taper. If anyone knows him or if he is still with us. I would very grateful for your help.
sorry my name is Simon Elsey by UK by the way & we had a common collecting interest in Springsteen also,
There’s enough blame to go around, we ended slavery, back in the civil-war, hundreds of thousands of white men, gave their lives, to free slaves they never knew, this is not about skin color, I’m talking about humanity! If we fail to learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat it! Don’t allow the hatred of a few Communist Anarchists destroy our Homeland! Let’s get ahold of the situation at hand, come together for peace in America!
What is really going on here? We all know that freedom is the only way, we don’t allow a dictator, tyranny, and what makes America unique is the Constitution! WE THE PEOPLE, forgiveness brings about happiness, forgiveness allows love to flow, we have had enough hatred, murder, violence, we must stop the people paying for destruction in America! Obama, Soros, Clinton, Gates, Ayers, Holder, Jarrett, Rice, Dorn, and the DNC! Vengeance is not up to us, we are not able to live with hatred, we must “ASK FOR FORGIVENESS” before there is forgiveness! Our government massacred Native Americans like they were dogs, did they ask for forgiveness?
Did our government massacre African Americans? Was there an African American Holocaust? My ancestors were enslaved, massacred by the English, had their wives raped by Englishmen on their wedding day! The Jews were enslaved by the Egyptians 400 years, their land occupied by everyone else, they live on a strip of land too small, given the fact that God gave all the land as far as the eye could see, as an inheritance for the Jews!
A lie has never been good, in business it is not a characteristic of good business practices to lie, that is ridiculous! When did a lie conquer the truth? This flip-flop came in with Obama! This division came in with Obama! Bill Ayers manufactured Obama!
We must begin again with the truth, we must have logic return! The Obama Administration is in its 3rd term, and the poison they spew will destroy us if we don’t get ahold of it!
We must humble ourselves, before God, and ask for forgiveness, and then, only then can we move forward together! People have made promises of a workless society, no work and get paid! That is 3rd grader logic! The ones making those promises are going to stab you in the back then move to their private island!
The People, are the only way America works, it’s how our Forefathers designed it!
No one, can dwell on past-atrocities! We learn and we move forward, only the bully uses past atrocities to rile up the anger within, it is for their benefit, while the angry fight, the bully robs!
There is nothing good about living in hatred, revenge, vengeance! Everyone can see the toll of idle hands, our world turns when we work, work for pay is healthy, filling churches is healthy, we thrive with peace and happy hearts!
Do not fall victim to evil ideologies, again the evil proper as you do their dirty deeds! The neighborhood burns, the attention is on that distraction, and the evil are busy raking in the booty! Not that booty!
We do not desire hatred, the ones that do, do so to manipulate! Love is happiness! Hatred is destruction.
I love you all, short, thin, and tall, your skin has color? How beautiful is that? Why would your skin tone be a bad thing? It isn’t, and never has, only bad, hateful people use distractive techniques as a way to manipulate! We are smarter than that!
How boring would life be if we were all the same? You are beautiful as you are right now!
Ty Glad to be a member
Thank you❤
A man both Duane and Gregg had a connection with. Gregg highly praises his friendship with Chank. My guess he was an unassuming man and simply got into a groove with both brothers, but especially Gregg subsequent to Duane’s death. It’s somewhat odd how friendships develop, some many factors involved. We can be eternally grateful for those that do, when the connection is established that lasts a lifetime.
Welcome aboard! Great story about the Winnebago meet up – would be a good Forum post with any details you can recall!
Welcome aboard! Cool story about Watkins Glen – do you have any pictures? Always nice to find some more historic photos. Cheers, Rowland
Thank You very much!
First show was Fillmore East March ’71… Brothers Special Guesting for Johnny Winter And…Tin House opening. Life changer at 17 yrs old.
Can you by any chance help me locate 6/23/2000
Thanks for your patience! I normally approve these within 24 hours but the notification for this one got lost in my inbox :). Welcome to the site.
Welcome aboard!!
Anybody else going to this?
I’m looking forward to meeting some of my favorite players up close.
It’s a bit pricey but you can’t take $$$ when you go.
Kindly correct the spelling from Leroy to Lee Roy Parnell. It’s the right thing to do. 😉
Listening to Juicy’s playing on The Final Note right now. R.I.P., sir
Looks like pretty much the same lineup as last year. I had a great time in 2023. But 1800$ I won’t be back.
I was at this show. Not sure why I thought about the Slip opening for the ABB. But I do remember that one of the guys in the Slip commented how surreal it was to be opening, and that years earlier he and his brother had hopped the rear wall at (then) Greatwoods to sneak into an ABB show. So awesome.
Comment from Rudy386:
I was at that show, but it wasn’t a show. My high school, Nova, was right next door. I don’t remember the date, but it wasn’t a school day. I heard a rumor that the Brothers were going to jam at BCC. I had never seen them before, and I drove around trying to find some friends but couldn’t connect with any of them. No cell phones back then! So, I drove out there and sure enough, in the college field, a panel truck, a few vans and cars were lined up and equipment was being unloaded. It was them, gearing up with generators, some plywood, speakers, instruments, coolers, and drinks. There they were Duane, Dickey, Gregg, and the gang. There were maybe thirty onlookers like me. Didn’t take long and out came Whipping Post, Elizabeth Reed, and Statesboro I think, and other tunes I don’t remember. They played for a little over an hour, maybe more, with some of it being a rehearsal. When it was over there were several hundred spectators. Previously, it was the Beach Boys, Beatles, and Stones. Then Jimi, Cream, Doors, Ten Years After, Jeff Beck, Buffalo Springfield, CSNY, and the Grateful Airplane took me. And that day at BCC the Brothers chiseled their way in too, but before the year ended, the band lost Duane. Duane’s loss was huge. I graduated from high school that year. I’ve forgotten most of what they played on that field, but I’ll never forget the feeling and admiration I had for their music that day.
Agree with jimm46 and RandyGalvan. The database is wrong. The 1974 show was at the Civic Arena. The roof opened just as the Allman Brothers began their set. The Three Rivers event was in 1973.
I’m in…3rd row Bethel. A bit pricey but I ain’t getting any younger so it’s $ well spent, can’t wait. You go Warren !!!
RIP Dicky….. you will be missed
So sad to hear the news. The greats ones are leaving us more and more often.
“Jessica” is very close to my heart, as that’s the name of our oldest. When we found out we were having a girl, I called the radio station and made a request.
Play on, Dickey. No one can stop you now, but I guess Duane might want a solo or two as you jam in the great gig in the sky.
My heart is crying ……..
This show had Marc Quiniones, Oteil Burbridge and Jack Pearson. “Blue Sky” had the “Franklin’s Tower” intro and Jack sang “Dimples”. Quote of the night from Gregg on “Stormy Monday” – “Jack, get a piece of this!” before Jack’s solo.
Produced by Bill Graham (RIP). $7.50, reserved seats, Oakland Coliseum Arena (indoors).
Since it was reserved seats, as the end of the show neared (or so we thought), at at the end of each song we’d move to a pair of open, closer seats. We finally made it right to the front of the stage before the encore(s), and it seemed they played at least another 30+ minutes, including Whipping Post and Mountain Jam. Pretty great show! I’ve got the stub somewhere…
R.I.P. Dickey. I will always remember you and your music for helping me during a crucial time in my life of great upheaval. Thank you for the guitar pick you gave me out of the watch pocket of your jeans when I met you. But most of all, thanks for the music.
Jambase article on the Duane Allman Fieldhouse name:
Jambase article on the Duane Allman Fieldhouse name:
Jambase article on the Duane Allman Fieldhouse name:
Daily Iowan article about Duane Allman Fieldhouse name:
Daily Iowan article about Duane Allman Fieldhouse name:
Daily Iowan article about Duane Allman Fieldhouse name:
Ah; I remember this evening vividly. This, or course, was many years (16 to be exact) before Peach Fest was established at the same location. It was a rainy, rainy night on Montage Mountain. Took my friend, the late Trevor Pontz, to it and it was his first show of many. A local band called the Badlees opened. They weren’t very good, as I recall people sort of bustin’ on them. The Brothers scorched the mountain that night though. I remember almost everyone at this show was tripping their faces off, rain notwithstanding. Anyway, just listening to a recording of it currently and it brings back a lot of fond memories.
The entire first set of this show just smoked. I had front row tickets, to the right of the stage. Just incredible.
Get the Instant Live!
My whiskey arrived pretty nice taste with a hint of peach. A bit pricey but unique ABB purchase. 😁🍊
Let Phil sing.
I was at this concert at RFK. It was way too hot, and there was no shade where we were sitting, which was way up in the bleachers. I went with friends. We drove down from NY.
I first saw The Allman Brothers Band at Fillmore East on 2/11/1970 late show when they were the opening act for the Grateful Dead headliners. The Dead were pretty dull, but the Allman Brothers came out on stage to jam with the Dead, which really picked things up. Then, the original 3 Fleetwood Mac guitarists joined the jam, which lasted until morning. The sun was coming up When the doors opened to let people out.
I also saw The Allman Brothers Band on March 13, 1971, the late show, when the Fillmore East album was recorded.
My friends went to see Blood Sweat and Tears at Fillmore East, and were really impressed with The Allman Brothers Band.
I first saw The Allman Brothers Band at Fillmore East on 2/11/1970 at the late show when they were the opening act for the Grateful Dead headliners. The ABB were incredible from the first notes of In Memory Of Elizabeth Reed. The second act was Arthur Lee’s group Love, who were pretty good. The Dead were pretty dull, but the Allman Brothers came out on stage to jam with the Dead, which really picked things up. Then, the original 3 Fleetwood Mac guitarists joined the jam, which lasted until morning. The sun was coming up When the doors opened to let people out.
As member Randy Galvan states above, the opening acts were Blue Oyster Cult, John Hammond (solo) and the Alex Taylor Band. The brother of James Taylor, Alex fronted an R&B style band and they played a smokin’ set of music. John Hammond came onstage and played harp with the ABB on one song
early in their set. I think that it was “Done Somebody Wrong”. Dickey Betts was handling all the lead guitar parts at this time and he was in fine form that night. And Berry Oakley was holding down the bottom end. The band was tight, but they were obviously missing the spark that Duane Allman always brought! They played most of the songs from At Filmore East, with extended jams. We ran into some friends in the parking lot before the show and they were passing around a jug of Mushroom tea. The Jai Alai Fronton was a sports venue built with poured cement and cinder blocks. The ABB was the loudest band that I had ever heard. They literally pinned you to the back of your seat like a butterfly in a framed taxidermy collection! The Mushroom tea might have added to the effect. Before the show started, someone cranked up a Harley-Davidson backstage and revved the engine. The sound reverberated throughout narrow hall. Just to let everybody know that the ABB was “Alive and kickin'”.
God speed Jimmy Carter.A good humanitarian and southern gentleman that understood ABB and they understood him.Wish it could happen these days.I guess I am dreaming!
You served our nation in so many ways President Carter. Bless you and your family. Fair winds and following seas.
Wow! remember Gregg’s face sitting next to Diana t awards ceremony! GA was beside himself 🙂
Too true! I searched for a photo of Gregg and Diana on Google and several from the 54th Annual Grammy Awards popped up. He looks almost giddy! 🙂
It’s an honor to see such great artists at such an intimate venue! He made a comment about his CD’s – said Spotify is nice but doesn’t pay them anything. Pretty much what I’ve heard from other artists – you get tens of thousands of streams and you might get enough for a dinner out.
“The Allman Brothers Band: February 1971. This show was by the original sextet, a month before they recorded the immortal Live at the Fillmore East album. The Troy concert had the same song selections, for the most part. Guitarist Duane Allman would die from injuries sustained in a motorcycle wreck on October 29 of the same annum, just before the Fillmore East album was released.
(TANGENT: When the Allmans took a break at the TSU concert, a student named Barry Diamond did a stand-up comedy routine. In later years he appeared in movies such as Bachelor Party and National Lampoon’s Class Reunion.)”