hearing and ear pain

I have a problem. I have wanted to play a guitar through the years, I've picked it up from time to time. I don't have any musical ability but do enjoy playing around. I do this like 3 months of the year and then set it down for a while as interests come and go.
2023 I bought a bass guitar. It wasn't long before I noticed my ears were sore the day after I played and I became concerned.
2024 when I picked it up again, ear soreness came back and I started playing with ear plugs. Earos at first and then You Tune. Now, I almost always played at a low volume, and still I felt I had to wear ear plugs.
So I thought this was a little silly and I bought an older Guild acoustic bass with hopes I could play this without ear plugs, which I tried. This ended up being worse actually as the sound hole proximity to my right ear created quite a bit of soreness. I started wearing ear plugs with the acoustic guitar and well, the ear plugs are not working and I don't think I should play even acoustic guitar any longer.
Pretty sure I have some kind of inner ear damage and now my ears are super sensitive, to the point that everyday and normal banging or hitting noises in the kitchen or garage whatever I will feel some kind of pain in my ear.
I should schedule an appointment with an ear doctor. Right now I am trying to see maybe how common this is or what kind of experiences any of you have had and how it has developed over time. I have had a low level of tinnitus for years, lots of loud concerts. Playing this bass guitar, the lower frequency or closeness to the amp perhaps, whatever, this is a whole new level of discomfort. I am nervous for the next concert I will be attending.

nebish You have apparently a similar condition as Jack Pearson who as you probably know was the slide and other lead guitarist for the ABB from 1997;to 1999.
Jack quit due to his tinnitus and that Dickey refused to turn down his amps.

You definitely should get them checked. I don't get pain from sounds, but I have had hearing aids for more than 10 years - mostly due to a lot of loud concerts. My trouble is with the high frequency sounds. I have fairly severe tinnitus - and they can't really do anything about it. My hearing aids play white noise to help, but it is pretty much the same volume as the tinnitus.
My wife and I started putting the closed captioning on our tv's. I notice at times they will say stuff like 'birds chirping' - and I don't hear a thing. Definitely get a hearing test, and tell them about the pain.

My right ear has hurt all day, like sore, not like bending over hurt, all because yesterday I played twinkle twinkle little star on the guitar for my 2 year old grandson and then I was subjected to some loud banging noises with children's toys hours later. Very sensitive
Pretty concerning, I will pursue a hearing test.
Ear plugs people use? I thought i liked the Earos and YouTune ear plugs, but they didn't seem to help this situation I tried to use them in.

Going a full day without playing the guitar or any loud noises helped, today I do not have any ear soreness. Will definitely see an ear doctor before my first live show of the year which as of now is not until March. Just kind of bummed because this is the time of year I would want to mess around with playing instruments.
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