dickey tribute setlist

What do you think will be the setlist in macon??
I've taken a shot below....thoughts?? omissions?
1. Ramblin man
2. Les bres in a minor
4. high falls
5. mt. jam
6. nobody knows
7. long time gome
8. bougainvillea
9. blue sky
10. seven turns
11. no one to run with
12. back where it all begins
13. long time gone
14. dreams (I know it's a Gregg)
15. Every hungry woman
16. Jessica. (encore)

I'd be quite happy with that list but possibly perfectly happy if they:
* Replaced Dreams and EHW w/ True Gravity and Shine it On
* Did 2-3 tunes that were either heavily influenced by Dickey or that Dickey really liked and that influenced him
* Guessing Duane would have the best insight into that

Gregg was pleasantly surprised when they were recording the Seven Turns album when Dickey presented a song he wrote with Warren Haynes to the band with the title "Shine It On".
Gregg said shine it on was a phrase his brother Duane often used in conversation. For example " I don't care what the critics in the music business say. We are doing it out way and shine it on!!"
Gregg said Dickey remembered Duane saying that often and put it as the title and in the lyrics of a new song and Gregg was moved by what Dickey did.

Posted by: @robertdeeGregg was pleasantly surprised when they were recording the Seven Turns album when Dickey presented a song he wrote with Warren Haynes to the band with the title "Shine It On".
Gregg said shine it on was a phrase his brother Duane often used in conversation. For example " I don't care what the critics in the music business say. We are doing it out way and shine it on!!"
Gregg said Dickey remembered Duane saying that often and put it as the title and in the lyrics of a new song and Gregg was moved by what Dickey did.
didn't know that story of the songs background but I love that tune

Should be an amazing show!
I sure wish that Dickey had been given the Don Was treatment that Gregg and Skynnyrd got - honored by all of those who he influenced and a chance to make a final and grand performance of his own. I tried contacting Was during the time of these performances to suggest such an event. Never got a response. I wish Dickey could be on earth to witness and participate.

I just hope they cover/touch on all aspects of Dickeys playing. All of the guitarist in that band(ABB) were outstanding, but IMHO Dickey was the one who was most diversely talented in his guitar skills. Reaching into so many areas/genres and making his own unique sound. One of a kind and never will there be another.
Everyone has a plan, till you get punched in the face,

x2 (like the pic, you are missed bro)
🎼🎶 - in a good mood as a music fan, heck it’d be impossible to fit into one show, the various musings & styles Mr Betts dipped into - totally get your drift bro
itd be the same thing at a Duane Allman tribute show - both Duane & Dickey had music in their blood & soul, it’s why they played every style under the sun like they’d played it all their lives, & why theirs was a 2 guitar tandem like none b4 or since✌️
for country I vote for Hand Picked, for jazz, JJ’s Alley - not in their entirety, just partial - to leave time for everything else
mayb an acoustic set? To include Devon, Duane, guests Lee Roy Parnell & Pedro Arevalo on an amazing take of Tombstone Eyes Again - really came to dig that song
a good healthy slice of Nobody Knows or BWIABegins would be cosmos
ELP did this at a show I went to - started w/Tarkus - played about the 1st 12 minutes or so, then jumped into something else - Tarkus of course is 20+ minutes taking up the 1st side of the album - that was a great show
so will Feb 28 be - as you said, never another like Dickey Betts🍄

robertdee, I was at that show. It was at the R&R HOF in Cleveland.

@detterm Oh so that is the show. I saw Great Southern several times after Dickey was voted out of the ABB.
I got very close to Duane Betts' guitars before an Allman Betts show several years ago and Duane had that old Strat with him and played it on two songs.
Up close you can see it has tremendous road wear. Duane said it's mid 1950's and his father bought it used mostly for rhythm in the studio but made it his main guitar on tour for several years in the 1990's when Dickey was irritated at Gibson.
I remember Dickey was asked about 1994 why he stopped playing a Les Paul and Dickey said he was irritated at Gibson for ignoring him.
Gibson came out with a Dickey signature Les Paul Gold top in 2001 and the first one Dickey got interestingly is Duane Betts' main stage guitar.

Anyone hear from Rainy these days? She was a big time Dickey fan. I enjoyed her posts back in the day and I'm sure she'd love to be at this show.

I didn’t see Revival or Southbound mentioned. Both of those are crowd pleasers and I hope they get played. Doing Pony Boy would be pretty cool.
For some less well known tunes, I hope some of the following are included:
Rain - Would be perfect with Chuck on vocals just like the BHLT days.
Just Another Love Song
Good Time Feeling
Shady Streets
Sail Away
Tombstone Eyes
Having A Good Time

Posted by: @stratdalAnyone hear from Rainy these days? She was a big time Dickey fan. I enjoyed her posts back in the day and I'm sure she'd love to be at this show.
good question

@manwithnoname Here is the best Southbound live. It's the Brothers and Sisters arrangement which I always liked better than the later arrangement.

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