The Allman Brothers Band at The Beacon, March 12, 2009
Posted: Mar 12, 2009 – from GRITZ
I heard from a few people that they thought Monday’s show was amazing but that Tuesday’s was weak. I disagree. I thought both were great. That being said, I honestly feel that tonight’s show was the best so far in the run, and I’ll tell you why, but first, our “Allman Fashion Update.”
Gregg started out with his freak flag flying, hair down, ready to rock old school hippie style. Warren was dressed in his Johnny Cash best, long sleeved black, and the youthful Derek Trucks sported a way cool white Junior Wells T. Okay, that’s as far as my fashion reporting goes.
After a brief delay, the show kicked off at 8:15 with a power-drenched “Trouble No More,” which was followed by an equally cookin’ “Leave My Blues at Home.” Brother Gregg aced both songs, both on B-3 and (especially) vocal chops. Derek and Warren were doing the call and response thing and both were playing to beat the band. O’Teil was downright dancin,’ the vibe was so sweet, and Butch, Mark and Jaimoe were like a freight train runnin’ with a full head of steam.
Warren kicked off a great version of the old Howlin’ Wolf classic “Who’s Been Talkin’?” The Brothers gave it a real Latin, Santana, “Black Magic Woman” kind of feel, and Derek Trucks could do no wrong on his SG. Amazing stuff.
Another stellar jam ensued during “Black Hearted Woman.” Once again, love that light show. Much cheaper (not to mention easier on the body) than LSD.
“Can’t Lose What You Never Had” was next, and it was good, but it seemed to bring the excitement down a bit. (And please spare me the comments about Greg missing a cue or forgetting a lyric here and there. Just try remembering all the music, lyrics, cues, and then we’ll talk.)
Any lull was quickly brought back up to speed when Warren introduced the great Chicago blues hero, Buddy Guy. And off they went on “The Sky is Cryin.” Warren was singing, Buddy was grinning, and all three guitar aces were playing their hearts out. Buddy stepped up to sing the last verse, and the audience went nuts. (Again.) Buddy turns to Derek and says “Alright now! Derek, I got to hear you!” With that, the young Trucks leaned in and just wailed. Buddy smiled real big and just shook his head. The man got the blues! He was having a blast. So was I.
“You Don’t Love Me” was next, with a three-guitar-attack from three of the best. At the end, Buddy brought smiles all around with teases of “Mary Had a Little Lamb” and “Shave and a Hair Cut.” Leave it to Buddy. He’s always more fun than the average guitarist.
Warren introduced Phish alumni Trey Anastasio and Page McConnell, who joined The Brothers and Buddy on a smokin “Southbound.” Jaimoe’s drum tech Jamie sat in on Jaimoe’s kit. Amazing playing all around, excellent guitar solo from Trey and keyboard run from Page.
After the break, the band returned with Trey and Page once again to pull out a true Dead vibe with “I Know You Rider.” Right on the heals of that surprise came another. “In Memory of Elizabeth Reed.” Now as much as I identify this one with brother Dickey Betts,tonight’s rendition was nothing less than stupendous. Trey pulled out a few Betts-like licks and the song ebbed and flowed like a mystic river. Of course, all good things must come to an end. Trey and Page left the stage.
Next came a rousing “Dreams I’ll Never See,” followed by an absolutely sparkling “Jessica,” complete with a very nice bass solo from O’Teil and “drums” from Butch, Jaimoe and Mark. After about twenty or more minutes, the song came to a symphonic end with Butch Trucks pounding the timpani.
The boys came back for an encore and ripped up “Statesborro Blues” while films and photos of old blues master flashed in the background. Gregg and Warren had a bit of impromptu fun toward the end of the song, teasing “The Blues is Alright.” Just like that the show was over. Another one for the books. It was over at 11:35, and I was ready for more. I guess I’ll just have to chill for about 22 or so hours, huh?
Keep it Real. Keep it Southern.
PS: I want to remind everyone that March is Allman Brothers Month here at GRITZ, so check back daily for all sorts of Peachy things. We will also feature reviews and set lists of every Beacon show the day after the show. Just as a reminder, you may view these shows from the comfort of your own computer, or computer wired into the TV and stereo, by subscribing to Moogis, the awesome new service created by Butch Trucks. You can watch crystal clear live performances of all shows as they happen, and then go back and watch them again and again. Buffalo says, check it out.
Trouble No More
Leave My Blues at Home
Who’s Been Talkin’?
Black Hearted Woman
Can’t Lose What You Never Had
The Sky is Cryin’ (w/ Buddy Guy)
You Don’t Love Me (w/ Buddy Guy)
Southbound (w/ Buddy Guy, Trey Anastasio)
I Know You Rider (w/ Trey, Page)
In Memory of Elizabeth Reed (w/ Trey, Page)
Dreams I’ll Never See
Jessica > Bass >Drums >Jessica
Statesborro Blues
Be Sure to Visit Six Degrees of Swampland: The Allman Brothers Band for further reading.