The Allman Brothers Band

This is the sixth time I’ve seen the Allmans in the last calendar year including 4 Beacon shows. Ihave a tendency to think the most recent one is the best. I really think that’s right this time. It goes without saying that at each and every show the band is incredibly tight and the interplay between Warren and Derek is beyond imagination. Let me start by stating that I have never heard Gregg sing better since the days of Duane and that includes live and on copies of shows I have. His voice is getting stronger and stronger as the abusive years recede further and further. He simply killed on Come and Go Blues, Every Hungry Woman and Don’t Keep Me Wondering. Sometimes he messes up the vocal on You Don’t Love Me. Not tonight. Warren was Warren. An absolute monster on guitar and vocals, a very underrated part of the Haynes package. Tonight was a real treat for fans of Warren’s singing as two songs he kicks ass on were included, Hootchie Cootchie Man and The Weight. HCM was particularly awesome as it was proceeded by a lengthy back and forth solo duel between Derek and Warren alone before the familiar drum roll that leads into the amin riff. Warren sings HCM with a particularly nasty menacing vibe whereas BO was more seductive and sensual. The Weight is fast becoming a song associated with this band. It is done in the Aretha Franklin style with Derek filling in the Duane slide lines the way Duane would have if he got to play it live instead of in a studio. The power is just overwhelming and that is fast becoming one of my all-time favorite ABB songs. I personally love Warren’s vocals on it. It really let’s him cut loose. Finally, as soon as the name Roy Haynes was announced a chill went up my spine because I knew it meant Afro Blue. How incredible that this band can take a classic Coltrane number, replace the sax with two unreal guitarists and turn this into a classic electric jazz-rock number. This band is the best. Simply the best. And they are doing new and innovative things every tour. Count your blessings people. And be sure to buy the Instant Live for this one.