I concur with MudLe! The lack of enthusiasm was echoed by Gregg himself when he said late in the show, “You all can make as much noise as you want to”. Too bad only the drunken college “yahoos” standing six inches next to me took him up on the offer. They were just yelling obsentities even when the band wasn’t playing and talking during the awesome sounds on stage. That’ll teach me next time to bring a lawn chair and set it up 4 hours before the concert.
The ABB seemed to be very much on track since the two month vacation after Wanee Fest. I’m always amazed at the quality of work these fellas do (and some of them not so young) and at how hard they work. Gregg’s voice was clean and he performed very well. Derek’s solo on “Whipping Post” was stellar; best I’ve heard him play over the past few years. I’m sure he taught Old Man Clapton a few tricks last month. And Warren…”incredible”. I have too many great things to say about this guy to get started.
I have one small gripe and that’s the number of “guests” that the band always seem to encourage. Mike M. of the “Trucks Band” is great, but I wanted to hear just the ABB for two hours. Sorry to be selfish.
Oteil ‘s band on one of the small stages was superb! We had planned to watch 45 minutes or so then move over to where Derek was playing (sorry Oteil), however, the band was so hot we stayed for entire set. The guitar and keyboard player were on fire and Oteil was gracoius to let them shine; even to the point of turning his back a bit to the crowd when head’s were turned towards him during “their” solos. Awesome!
The bulk of the crowd definitely did not take the opportunity to enjoy Derek’s band. The sound was not great, but at least you could hear the boy’s guitar sing! In particular their version of a jazzed up “Greensleeves” was tasty indeed. We ran into Todd and Mike at our hotel and they were friendly and down to earth. Very gracious.
Overall, not a great venue, too many folks, not enough beer. But, when you’re near the ABB and they’re kickin’… it’s all worth while.