Saratoga 7/23/05
Statesboro Blues
High Cost of Low Living
Midnight Rider
Cant Lose what you aint got (?)
Into The Mystic
Who to Believe
Leave My Blues at Home
Melissa (Gregg Guitar)
Dreams (Warren)
Whipping Post
ENC: Layla
What a great show – this is one of the best I have seen in over 16yrs! From the powerful Jessica opeing to the Lovely Layla encore the ABB had total control and never waivered. The sound was great – perhaps a bit too loud because my brain feels swollen this morning.
The Egypt instrumental was amazing – It starts with little low end but Oteil builds a huge foundation second half of the tune and it just became volcanic! My friend had the quote of the night during Egypt – “This Is Craziness!”. and it was. Nice to hear Into the Mystic – Warren sounds so poweful behind the Mike and DT lifts it into strateshpere. Long Drums – MQ with no sticks, then sticks, 3-way round robin inti nice OB solo. Warren did a great version of Dreams noodling around the edges, with a classic Whipping Post closer – nice version with both DT & WH finding different ways to surprise us. Sounded like Humpback Whales at one point. finishing very strong. Layla – PERFECT. Great show boys – can’t wait til next time. It was a long ride back to Barneveld.