Awesome show tonight, but very different I’d say seeing as they only had one guitarist. Warren is apparently very sick (I’m sure if he just he a mild cold he would have played) and did not appear at all so Derek was left to carry the weight of the show as the only guitarist. Despite having a saxophone player for the entire show (and he kicked ass actually–but I didn’t catch his name–anyone know who he was?) you could tell that their sound was not as rich tonight as it would normally be, minus a guitar player. Still Derek held his own and was on fire at various times during the show–most notably with a killer solo during Dreams where he broke a string in the middle and even continued to play despite that. Anyway, even without Warren, the setlist was great and the rest of the band held it together. Here’s the setlist:
Mountain Jam
Statesboro Blues
Ain’t Wasting Time No More
Trouble No More
Stormy Monday
Hot ‘Lanta
Franklin’s Tower (Oteil on vocals)
You Don’t Love Me
In Memory of Elizabeth Reed
One Way Out
Hope Warren gets better soon…