For Me, the Toledo show absolutely smoked !! Tiny venue, Butch, Jaimoe, Marc and Oteil seemed like they threw an xtra shovel of coal in the old steam engine, cause they really had the train rollin’. The guitars were just blistering !! Gregg was awsome and seemed to be friendly with the folks in the crowd, on at least 2 occasions during some real smokein’ extended guitar jams, I noticed Gregg turn on His piano stool and just watch for awhile, kickin’ His feet and clappin’ along, seemingly enjoying it almost as much as we were. Lots of smiles all around on the stage. The crowd was a little strange, insisted on sitting the whole way threw, but didn’y hold back the applause and cheers in between songs, seemed very appretiative, Anyway Can anyone add somethin’ or have a different take on things? PEACE TO ALL Joe