What a difference a year makes as they say, Last years Rockford show was clearly in the bottom 10% of the 30 or more ABB shows I have seen, but this years summerfest show was ” off the chain”. The band seemed refreshed after a three week break and soared with renewed energy that was lacking from last years Rockford show. The enthusiasm of the band brought the enthusaism of the audiance to stratospheric levels. Larry McCray sitting in with the ABB Jamming with Warren and Derick trading blues licks, as well as Dave Mason sitting in with Govt. Mule Jamming with Warren on an extended version of “feelin Alright” were just some of the many highlights of the evening. And on a personal note; The Allman Brothers band was, is, and will always be the greatest band ever, period, not even up for debate or question. I would much rather see the Bros. on an off night, than see another band at it’s best. But when the ABB is firing on all cylinders, as they were at summerfest, the experiance is without question second to none, and when they are off , like Rockford last year, which is rare, the shows a little disappointing.