Sure, Opening Night was solid and satisfied everyone who had been waiting all winter for the ABB. Night 2, however, was truly one of those special nights when everything just clicked.
Anytime “Statesboro Blues,” “Midnight Rider” and “Whippin’ Post” are part of the show, it’s always special. While these classics followed form, what really made this performance so outstanding were the many surprises on several new and old selections — not the least of which was “Mountain Jam” being turned into a vehicle for Derek’s outstanding slide solo.
Right now, there is no better live band anywhere than the ABB, and this show was living proof. It’s easy to appreciate these terrific musicians when things are going well, but to understand what makes them the ultimate professionals you had to see Warren finish his solo on “Whippin’ Post” with five strings — retuning after breaking a string.
My only regret is not having anything to trade for a recording of this show because it was as good as it gets, and most reading this knows how good it can get. Simply put, this show is why we all keep coming back to hear this all-time American treasure.