Well obviously there is a bit of a mix-up here, Josh Chasin’s review was POSTED on 3-20, but it is for one of the earlier shows, not the 3-20 show. Anyway, I sit here in California and look at the setlist for 3-20 and I CRY (only made it once to the Beacon, for two nights in 2002). “Can’t Lose What You Never Had?” I’ve been privately hoping they would pull it out for YEARS!! For those not aware, it’s from a largely forgotten but great ABB record, 1975’s “Win, Lose or Draw”, and it’s a Muddy Waters tune. Saw ’em do it the year it came out, in L.A., a GREAT old blues number. “Key To The Highway?”. Man, they keep pulling out the greats from Clapton/Duane’s Layla record. I see they already did “Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad” one night as well; I saw them do “Layla” in Berkeley last year. “Don’t Think Twice” with Susan? Saw ’em do it twice last year, cool that she is back onstage with the boys, and she really adds to the show. May have to make it back to NY next year; I only pray another West coast swing will happen soon. Mr. Clapton: How ’bout sitting in at The Beacon for a night or two sometime????? -Rob