ABB definately had great sound in this new Amphitheater. I thought they might have been a bit on the quiet side though, perhaps that was because I had lawn seats. The 4400 seat theater was probably filled to about 3000-3500 people? All seats sold out, only lawn avail. day of the show.
They played the best version of Dreams I have ever heard. Elizabeth Reed was a flat out jam and a half. The Trucks’ both stole the show with their jammin. Most of the beginning was “newer” songs.
Out of all the ABB shows I have seen, this was the first time I did not hear Melissa. This show was great indeed, but the opening show at the Beacon this year for me was the best ever.
Keep up the good work and please continue to keep Tucson on the list of cities to tour. It was nice having ABB in Tucson once again.