What a night! While I believe how you’re feeling has a lot to do with how much you enjoy something and either I was having a really good night despite the shitty weather and the overpriced beer, or the Brothers took the music to another level last night at the Beacon (Thurs.-20th).
While I realize that with the current line up of talent and the energy level being what it is now (which I attribute to the new material and the unbelievable chops of Warren and Derek, not to mention the consistent strong playing from the whole band) it would be hard to NOT deliver an amazing performance.
Now of course, opinions are like assholes, everybodys got one, but from the 8th row on Oteil’s side, the band not only sounded great, they looked like they were really getting off on it. Without going through a song by song breakdown, I just wanted to post my impression of the show which was very hot.
Also, from a guitarist’s perspective I may be a little biased because I really dig everything I’ve heard Warren AND Derek play.