I was at this concert. Sat right down front not 5 feet from Duane and Dickey. What a show. Played Stormy Monday and if you were there you would never forget the roar when they opened with Statesboro Blues! ALso played Don’t Keep me Wonderin. Came out and played Don’t Want you No More and Cross To Bear for an encore. Talked With Gregg and he sent me backstage to meet Duane and Dickey. DIckey told me Statesboro would probably be on their next album which would be live. He was talking about the Fillmore East album. This is a night I will never forget. They taped the show because as I was leaving the Hanner Field House they were playing it back thru the PA system. Sounded great what I can remember. This is one event I will always cherish. Long Live the Allman Brothers Band! ANyone out there with a copy of this show please let me know. Would love to have one!