Posted by: @nebishThis country is sick and getting sicker, someday it will die and who knows what then.
…..fwiw, I don’t look at things that bleakly
America survived 2016-20 & the covid (many claim) that resulted
I think she’ll not only survive 2024-28 & norovirus, bird flu virus or whatever comes along
….But Thrive Too - just as Biden supporters & antiTrumps say (shout) she did in Joe’s just-concluded term
I don’t hate the new president - I don’t hold the insurrector pardons against him, & am sure Joe’s supporters don’t hold the pardons he issued against him either - after all, the good book itself says, not hating is the first step toward forgiveness
I recognize the hate posts like above cause here on the boards - ‘stephen wake the fuck up or just Shut up w/that crap - how blind are you - how can you possibly not see that Trump is a despotic coward - he intends to create a private army of oathkeepers, proudboys & others he pardoned, & terrorize America - he intends to turn our republic into an oligarchy’
…..’& yep, he makes it OK for pubescent boys to grab girls’ crotch’
the boy accused of doing this put it all on Trump, saying it was Trump’s fault he violated the girl b/c “Trump did it” and Trump, the boy further claimed, said it was OK to do - according to what was posted here
…..never should these boards be subject to/polluted w/such National Enquirer BS - but people believe every word of it - like the shooting this summer being staged, or fake
👊🇺🇸I believe none of it, neither does the majority fwiw
is what it is - now there’s a sage remark, mayb the offendi will start to decompress, tho I doubt it - they are convinced 4 years of only worry & peril lie ahead
w/malice toward none

Exactly. I don't understand the efforts people go to defend the actions of January 6. There is no comparison or defense, it was one of the most awful ugly events in our country's history. Everyone there was lucky the capitol police showed such restraint towards an angry, violent, and armed mob, that only one person was met with deadly force. 100 years ago everyone would have been hanged for treason. Trump essentially made treason legal.

Here's a look at reactions to mass insurrection and assaulting police.
He said he voted for President Trump in the presidential election because immigration was one of his key issues and he felt he didn't know enough about the Democratic nominee, former Vice President Kamala Harris.
He disapproves most of Trump's decision to pardon roughly 1,500 people who participated in the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan 6, 2021.
This guy is part of the problem. Trump stated repeatedly he was going to pardon the Jan 6 convictions, it isn't a surprise. If you were paying attention everything about Kamala Harris as a candidate was available to know. Do the work or don't vote.
And then you have people so entrenched in their world view they refuse to believe basic facts.
Mary Ann Perruzzi, a Republican voter in Massachusetts, said she thinks Democrats are to blame for what happened at the Capitol, citing conspiracy theories she read on social media.
"It was all a farce," she said. "I'm really happy that they are pardoning them."
"The Republican Party that was for Trump would not do that," she said. "They love this country."
Sorry, Mary Ann, they did do that. Tell the families of the officers that died it didn't happen.

I'm glad you continue to post because it gives you an opportunity to see how your opinions are received and then you are better off knowing what others think. I am better off knowing what you think. This is why I always liked to try and engage in these conversations - even though we don't do it much here anymore.
Freedom and security - most everything we want can be boiled down into those two categories.
Trump pardoning or commuting the sentences for leader of the proud boys and oath keepers compromises both of those things. And those aren't the only two groups that threaten freedom and security in our country. There are many.
We know our country faces many many challenging threats, from outside and from within. These threats must be minimized, which is what happened with the charges and verdicts in the cases of Tarrio and Rhodes. Law enforcement did a lot of work and invested a lot of time to lock those individuals up - and with very good reason. And with a stroke of the pen Trump voids it and they are free men. Ponder for a couple minutes what the overall effect of that is.
We can basicially live our lives in a bubble. I'm not saying I don't. I can surround myself with all the people I love and things that I like and do what I enjoy and some of what is happening within society and with the country doesn't really matter. But when you really look around, you see how it matters, and there are a lot of very very bad things around. I don't know how long the country can survive it. But at the same time, from within the comfort of my bubble I will say, hopefully we prosper and overcome and become stronger.

That is the rub, what matters most in casting the vote for a person?
I don't recall the exact language, but I'll say that Trump at the very least hinted he would pardon January 6th perpetrators. He may've outright expressed it, memory these days. Calling them hostages pretty much tells it.
But we never really knew what he would do or who exactly he would do it for. The Vice President told us that violent offenders would not be pardoned. Was he lying? Maybe he didn't know what Trump would do. Trump's pick for Attorney General was on the record opposing a pardon for violent January 6th offenders who assaulted law enforcement. Did she know how far Trump would go?
So, a potential voter could fear the absolute worst and assume he would want to pardon and release them all. And if giving odds, favorite would've been he would do so. But a potential voter could actually say something like "I don't think he would pardon people who attacked law enforcement" Trump wants people to believe he has the back of law enforcement more than anyone else...rigghhhttt? I mean this hypothetical potential voter could have realistically believed that and maybe thought he would just pardon people who trespassed or unlawfully entered the capitol?
I can see somebody voting for him in November and now being upset he did all these pardons. Now, people like Mary Ann, they are a problem.
Trade, illegal immigration, energy, foreign policy - I like Trump positions on all these things. But I didn't vote for him because he is untrustworthy, I guess to put it mildly compared to how some friends here would refer to him. He messes up whatever good a person like me might see coming out of policy issues with stupid comments or actions on other things. And end of the day I can't be linked to him, I just can't. Not because I care what anyone thinks of me, because of what I think of me.
I am very very very disappointed he pardoned to the extent he did. For me, it is going to cast a black cloud over everything his new administration is going to do. Not saying I might not post on here next month and defend some position or happening. I look at it on a case by case basis. And there are probably people out there that have a scorecard and maybe these people mark the scorecard a loss on the January 6th issue, but they think that on issues they care about and want action on, there are going to be a lot of wins and therefore the vote for Trump, to them, was still a good one. Like making a pros and cons list for some big life decision we are trying to decide upon, are there more pros or cons at the end of the day?
I don't know. Everyone is going to do their own justifications and rationalization for one thing or the other. This just happens to be a very big issue and it happens literally hours after he took the oath "I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic". He has already failed in that.
Look, I am not going to alienate people who voted for Trump and support Trump, but only, and a very importantly only, if they acknowledge the mistake the total pardon of January 6th related convictions. If not, people who defend him on this issue or explain them away because Biden this or whatever, it is going to be next to impossible to take those people seriously. It must be hard for people within the local and federal law enforcement and judicial system to take him seriously. Just think about the people who were assaulted that day and the people who collected evidence and prosecuted these defendants, they thought they were doing the right thing. They were. The President just pulled the rug out from under them. Enough said on this topic. It's a big one though.

Now with Trump back in office this website will get more action/traffic, at least on the WP, for people to complain for the next 4 yrs. I guess that's a good think for here? 😉
I have voted for 36yrs of my life, ever since I was 18. I have been able to get up in the morning and pretty much been able to live the life I have chose within the constraints of the law. This country has not been in that much peril during my voting activity to REALLY disrupt my life,well being, day to day living. It never made me become so fragile and weak that I struggled dealing with election results cause the party I voted for did not get into office. Maybe that's a poor attitude to have, but that's how I feel. Dont get me wrong, there are a lot of things in this country that need to be looked at, reevaluated, fixed, managed differently and etc. There are things I do feel strongly about no doubt. ALWAYS room for improvement. But to be in such a fragile mental state just because your party did not get voted in and think the world is going to hell because of it is just sad.
Believe me, we all survived Trumps 1st run , survived Joe's and will survive Don's again. Its gonna be okay folks, and I am talkig to both sides here. I dont care if the Dem's won. It all goes both ways. Folks are nutty on both sides of the fence.
Just take a deep breath in ,accept it and carry on . I am sure in 4 more years the Democratic party will be back(as long as the get their house in line and have a viable candidate),right? All will be fantastic I am sure at that point.
We live in the greatest county in the world and enjoy many freedoms. We all should be thankful for that. Like I said, we all pretty much live the life we chose and that's great. I am sorry that if people are all wrapped up in they're political bias that they cant handle it. People just need to get a grip. You/all of us are going to be okay. It really will be okay.
Everyone has a plan, till you get punched in the face,

Posted by: @jszfunkI am sorry that if people are all wrapped up in they're political bias that they cant handle it.
There are a lot of people out there who can't unplug from the politics of the day. I know some retired folks who have cable news on all day and it must be exhausting for them, the doom from both sides gets them so worked up.
However, this has been a pretty level-headed, thoughtful discussion thus far. No one here is in a fragile mental state because their candidate didn't win, that's reductive. Just because we survive Presidential administrations doesn't mean their policies don't negatively affect people. Letting every headline boil your blood isn't healthy, but putting your head in the sand because it doesn't directly affect you isn't any better. We shouldn't just be surviving Presidencies, we should be thriving.

Posted by: @nebishI'm glad you continue to post because it gives you an opportunity to see how your opinions are received and then you are better off knowing what others think. I am better off knowing what you think. This is why I always liked to try and engage in these conversations - even though we don't do it much here anymore
I appreciate the level headed post nebish - I try to post in like fashion - am Very aware what people think of my posts, that is for sure (😵💫hehe) - none of it is taken personally
for the most part the hateback isn’t too unfriendly - like you & most people here, my life is not so ruled by politics that it ruins my mood/determines who is safe/OK to be civil to/talk the talkabout etc….
hate festers in a person, eating away at their self-respect & making them neurotic
✌️my view is outward, not buried in sand
I wish the best for the new administration🇺🇸would’ve said that had it been Harris-Walz too - said all along, after it’s all overwith it’s incumbent on the public to support/cheer on the new president whether one voted for him/her or not
firmly believe, the president is entitled to the highest respect of all Americans - realize that arouses ire here
with malice toward none

@nebish I heard someone say, Trump has spent over a decade claiming Mexico was flooding our country with violent criminals only to release a bunch of them himself on his 2nd day of work.

Posted by: @porkchopbob@nebish I heard someone say, Trump has spent over a decade claiming Mexico was flooding our country with violent criminals only to release a bunch of them himself on his 2nd day of work.
That is certainly a valid position to make that claim.

Bad look on me & all, unconditional hate is not/never will be my cup of tea - it shouldn’t be any sane sound of mind person’s either
that’s what Trump hate is in my view - unconditional - THAT’s what I think is BS
no one says **** about Biden’s pardons, including to someone convicted of killing an FBI agent (so I saw online)
“Trump’s murderous mob was this close to a public lynching of his VP & emasculation of Uncle Sam” - etc & so forth
…I realize the intense hatred of it all
if he is such a flaming shitheel, how could he have been (re) elected - That’s What Gets Me - voters had their chance, now they just bitch bitch bitch
MAGA + LABA = a great country - if we want it - some, however, due to unconditional hate/spite/whatever reason, do not
✌️respectful civility & an open mind will never go out of style for me🇺🇸
w/malice toward none, including our new president

It may be unconditional hate for some of Trump's opponents, but it's not like it is without reason. Allowing myself or yourself to listen to what people say about why they hate Trump, there are reasons. Trump gives them reasons. Other peoples beliefs compared to Trump's beliefs and actions.
I expose myself to a lot of different points of view purposely because I enjoy getting a lot of different points of view. I retain my own opinions, but that doesn't mean I can't or shouldn't try and understand why others say the things and feel the way they do. I 100% understand why people hate Trump, I get it. People hated Biden, I understand why. That doesn't mean I hate either of them, but I can grasp why other people do, some instances are more credible than others.
There has been anger from the Biden pardons from people in the Democratic party and the mainstream media, I know because I have seen them on TV and read their comments in news stories. From his son Hunter to the preemptive pardons of his entire family on his way out the door. Most of it is because of comments Biden made about how he would not do those pardons or acting like questions about him possibly doing those things were stupid questions to ask. And then he goes and does it. Outside of the preemptive pardons, I do agree with you, there has been much less reporting, pretty much just a little the day they came out, about the bad criminals Biden pardoned. At this point the only people calling those out are his opponents. So I see your point here.
Obviously nobody likes Adrian Peeler getting a pardon from Biden. Ferrone Claiborne and Terence Richardson, Leonard Peltier - these are controversial people to be pardoning.
January 6th was such a historically significant event for this country on a number of levels, these are very fresh and very political pardons and commutations from Trump. It is very natural and proper that they are going to get a lot of attention.
What I have heard a lot recently is disagreement with the entire Presidential pardon system. But most people on the left would rather turn the page rather quickly on the pardons Biden did. Some are defending the preemptive pardons. There is some hypocritical individuals among those defending the Biden preemptive pardons who were on the record against some pardons Trump could've made on his way out in January of 2021. Welcome to American politics.
Everything Trump does is going to be under a microscope, he draws that attention with his words and actions and the whole celebrity aspect of his Presidency. The controversial actions of say Biden do get less coverage. Again, just the way things are.
He certainly did win and he is pretty much a flaming shitheel (never heard that one before). Obviously people want something very different than what the Biden-Harris administration was enacting and promoting - so much so that a person like Trump, who one would think would've been left for dead, rose to power again with more support than he ever had in 2016. So a majority of Americans must've really really really not liked what the Biden-Harris administration had been selling. We make lots of broad generalizations about who is bitching about what. And we shouldn't ever boil votes down to a single issue - be that abortion or be that January 6th pardons or whatever it is. Both issues carry a lot of weight, lots of issues are big, but the country faces so many multifaceted problems and issues - I can see how people think some issues are more important that others, or certain things might be disqualifying events - but my opinion how it is supposed to work is somebody can or should be critical of a President on one issue they disagree with and then supportive of them on other issue (assuming they align with one's own beliefs). The problem that I have is the people that explain away the bad stuff and then continually offer unconditional support.
Back to your original point, I think you are missing it if you think Trump opponents just have this unconditional hate as you call it for no good reason. Ask any one of them why they hate Trump, they will gladly tell you why. Understanding why people hate Trump, understanding why people support Trump, - the myriad and multiple reasons, the valid and the overstated, the more we know about both sides of that equation the wiser we are.

Someone asked me a while back what I thought about capital punishment. I told them that I'm actually against it but I hate that we live in a time where violent murder is so commonplace that we have to even consider it. I also find it disgusting that we live in a time where we have political leaders for whom we must consider pardons for - as well as their families and cronies. We should all demand better than this.
I probably didn't phrase this well but I hope you get my idea.

After walking away from that I was asking myself, 'unconditional hate or unconditional support worse'? Since I seem to understand the hate, I think unconditional support is actually worse. The lying one has to do in order to pull off the unconditional support - definitely worse. But then the unconditional hate, if we get a real period of peace between Israel and Gaza and if we get an end to the Ukraine and Russia war through actions of the Trump administration - what do his detractors say then? Unconditional haters would spin it however they want to continue their unconditional hate I suppose.
Have you heard the Thomas Friedman story on "Trump's Path to the Nobel Peace Prize"? Would be amazing for the world if he could pull that off. Read the comments anywhere that story or podcast is posted and we see lots of unconditional hate going on. So maybe the hate and support are equally bad.

...and two people many have unconditional hate for, Netanyahu and Trump. This current cease fire does not happen without Trump. Netanyahu was not going to do it for Biden. Now, maybe that fact alone is substantive enough to hate Netanyahu, although like Trump, there are many reasons. But point being it took two people that many millions of people hate to get the months old Biden proposed ceasefire plan to go into effect. It takes all of us, right?

@nebish "Sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace" - B. Dylan

Posted by: @stephenthat’s what Trump hate is in my view - unconditional - THAT’s what I think is BS
no one says **** about Biden’s pardons, including to someone convicted of killing an FBI agent (so I saw online)
It's not unconditional, and it's not unearned. You're ignoring over a decade of awful, embarrassing behavior and actions that have made this country worse and encroached on basic freedoms. You keep defending him, people here keep pointing out the litany of ways he has attacked US citizens and defended the people where went to prison for him, so I'm not going to revisit that because you don't seem to care. Pardoning Jan 6 terrorists is a huge miscarriage of justice the even some of those convicted will confirm for you:
All Presidents grant controversial pardons at the end of their term, so Biden's haven't come under any more scrutiny than his predecessors. Some of Biden's pardons have been controversial, but most of them have been welcomed. The case you are referring to was the Pine Ridge case where the guilt has been long in dispute. The guilty party is currently dying and was simply released to live his life out on his reservation out of mercy. The original trial judge has advocated for clemency over the years.
The one that seems to be an "oops" that you don't mention is the Bridgeport child-killer who was still serving a non-violent Federal drug charge who seems to have snuck out with the rest of the non-violent drug felony commutations.
But there's clearly no convincing you Trump has done anything wrong because you choose to ignore it. There's no malice, you're just blindly disregarding any opposition to unfettered far-right extremism and blind ignorance.

@porkchopbob This article is about Alabama Senator, Tommy Tubberville, who could probably give an accurate description of his own colon because his head is stuck so far up his Trump hole that he has a proctologists view of it. Like a tree falling in the woods when no one is around to hear it. Violence on January 6 didn't happen because he didn't see it. Great article:

the Civil War was bad enough
the NYC race massacres were worse
July 13-16, 1863, Manhattan
unknown how many died, it was anywhere from 120 to 1,200 people - or if anyone even went to prison
much like a century later, started out as a protest against Civil War draft policies
…..changed to/ended up an all out racial attack w/black families driven out of Manhattan if they weren’t murdered first
it’s the ugliest wholesale white-trash killing in this nation’s long history of them - at the height of the worst tragedy in our history
….so this & others like it are why, when looked at in context, i41 try to understand Jan 6 - shaking my head at what occurred then & why people never learn that uprisings seldom resulted in what uprisers, or insurgents/malcontents, were protesting

Posted by: @rusty@porkchopbob This article is about Alabama Senator, Tommy Tubberville, who could probably give an accurate description of his own colon because his head is stuck so far up his Trump hole that he has a proctologists view of it. Like a tree falling in the woods when no one is around to hear it. Violence on January 6 didn't happen because he didn't see it. Great article:
A number of Senators had similar responses as Tuberville and conveniently don't remember being protected by Capitol security. It's shameful. And we wouldn't still be talking about it if we didn't have to keep proving it actually happened. It's the same playbook as Holocaust deniers, who also happen to support Trump.

🇺🇸it’s not so much blindly ignoring far right extremism PorkchopBob as it is, I don’t see him as the marauding madman you do - that imo is the key diff
again I ask - knowing all this, & W/Precedence To Go By/Refer To
If He’s The Lowest Of The Low
how in hannah does he retain his popularity to the point that the majority want him reinstated
it makes no sense to me - but politics seldom do
🎸congrats on those real nice new guitars (you & Rusty)

Posted by: @stephenthe Civil War was bad enough
the NYC race massacres were worse
it’s not so much blindly ignoring far right extremism PorkchopBob as it is, I don’t see him as the marauding madman you do - that imo is the key diff
again I ask - knowing all this, & W/Precedence To Go By/Refer To
If He’s The Lowest Of The Low
how in hannah does he retain his popularity to the point that the majority want him reinstated
it makes no sense to me - but politics seldom do
You think the NYC Race Riots were worse than the Civil War? Seriously?
Because you choose not to see any issue with Trump even thought it's been discussed here at length and attested to by anyone who has worked with him, i.e., willingly blind. Just like people who choose to believe Jan 6 didn't happen. Your love of Trump is what seems unconditional.
Hitler was popular too. And now Trump has surrounded himself with far-right Christian extremists.
Your opinion is welcome here, but if it's not based on reality it's not worth reading.

Wrong all counts bro - the only thing I have unconditional love for are family, dogs, all animals, B’s, C’s, riding, skiing …
his enemies are convinced that if you don’t hate him, you love him unconditionally - that’s not me, have never once said that, & I won’t try to convince you otherwise
I don’t hate Donald Trump
”Stephen, holy crap, how can you love Trump that unconditionally, he’s dirt unearthed”
reply, same - not only don’t I hate him, I support him as president
how in **** would it have been so vastly different under Harris????? I would’ve supported her administration too
they started out as draft riots yes, but turned into something horrific - as bad as/better/worse than the Civil war? All equally bad - mayb that would’ve been the better way to put it - as foul imo as anything that ocurred on the battlefields from 1861-65
the July 11-16, 1863 race riots in NYC were the apex of the 4 worst years in American history - brother against brother, hearts & the union broke - worse, Believe It Or Not, than anything Even Trump could now dredge up by way of his 4 year plan
unless one thinks Donald Trump is more evil than the wholesale gruesome murders - & worse - of black families/black citizens by unhinged good for shit criminally-deranged white trash at the July 11-16, 1863 racial attacks, permanently driving blacks out of Manhattan
die hard militant antiTrumps …. who knows
But Not Me - NEVER -
well wishes in navigating (your view of) a perilous land mine-pocked path of the next 4 years - rife w/violence/riddled w/military conflict/fraught w/fear & rampant suspicion & distrust, accusation & invective under a barbaric Trump - w/sickness & disease like norovirus/bird flu virus/the return of Covid now almost inevitable….
same ol script✌️as always, count me out of it🇺🇸
w/malice toward none, even Trump

✌️🇺🇸to clarify, the analogy to the Civil War is that July 11-16 1863 came at the height of it
also it serves as a synthesis, or microcosm maybe, of the 4 years as a whole coalesced into that one nightmarish, godawful week
whether draft riots, racial killings or whatever they’re called, I think we can all agree, both it & Civil War were equally inhumane in their own way - in a way, one a boiled down version of the other - like an edited, or abridged, version

No one here is comparing Trump's administrations to the Civil War except you. Comparing things to worse things is a way to disregard them and it's reductive. Just because it's not the worst moment doesn't mean it's not still bad as ICE racially profiles anyone brown, citizen or not, without a warrant this week. That's unconstitutional. But enjoy your B's and C's (whatever those are).

Released back into the wild, maybe nature will sort these people out.
An Indiana man who was recently pardoned for his participation in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot was shot and killed during a traffic stop by a sheriff's deputy Sunday.

Now with Trump back in office this website will get more action/traffic, at least on the WP, for people to complain for the next 4 yrs. I guess that's a good think for here?
I am not so sure. 4 years as President plus the preceding year of an election and all of the last 4 years of Trump legal stories and the election and the just everything - I think opponents are pretty worn out and regular people are like meh and Trump supporters are like Yah! And bad time for them to be worn out because if it wasn't old hat then there are cases to be made it is time to impeach again already - which obviously they can not, but lots of illegalities going on and I'm not a lawyer and to some extent I don't really care, I wouldn't really care if it was Biden or Obama - that is just me, I watch, I don't always know what to say. But you see legally some of the things he is doing and trying to do...going to keep the courts busy that is for sure.
The news is fast and furious these days. I am in a period where I am following all of it very closely and pretty wide stuff going on. And there is push-back, there is outrage, but it is way different than the first term so far. Almost like, 'well what can we do about it'. I won't be here all year for sure and everyone else, I don't think we see the traffic the site saw the first time around. People just don't want to talk about it anymore.
And it makes me think about Biden and Obama and Harris and all these people who called Trump a threat to Democracy....which might be playing out in real time, but these people said that, then they all played nice and did the dog and pony show. Kind of makes me want to give props to Michelle or AOC, talk the talk and walk the walk - if the guy is dangerous, from some points of view he is looking pretty dangerous right now...I don't know. Why play the game. Just be real and own what you say. Don't "normalize" Donald Trump if you are one of the people who politically opposes him because I'm seeing right now, they are seeing right now, all the reasons they fought against him.
You hear what Bill Mahr said? "Here is how bad the Democrats fvcked up, Trump is cool now". We will see how long that cool lasts. Over playing of hands is happening at a rate I don't think anyone could've thought possible. The overreach in the first 7 days has been incredible, let alone the first 100 days. Trump 2.0 understands how government works this time and he isn't just a wrecking ball now, he's a straight up explosive

I defer all the judgement to law enforcement and I can only hope they make the right decision. We don't know yet why he shot do we? I read the comments of his uncle in another story related to January 6th who was also arrested and charged and also pardoned, he did assault officers that day. The deceased in this story did not assault I don't believe.
@rustyReleased back into the wild, maybe nature will sort these people out.
An Indiana man who was recently pardoned for his participation in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot was shot and killed during a traffic stop by a sheriff's deputy Sunday.

✌️I dunno bro✌️- mayb July 11-16 1863 & Jan 6 2021 is the more apropos comparison, but again, that just brings it back to what’s been said b4 - ‘one can’t compare them/the latter was nothing compared to the former’ blah blah
so I understand the conversation now going round in circles & becoming repetitive - interesting to hear about the ICE racial profilings - something unconstitutional is always going on, or alleged to be anyway🇺🇸

Just because it's not the worst moment doesn't mean it's not still bad as ICE racially profiles anyone brown, citizen or not, without a warrant this week
If you know they do not have warrents, are they receiving consent to enter, or are you suggesting they are forcing entry in these locations?
As for racially profiling, I'm not saying you Bob, but no secret that many on the left hate ICE anyway.
Using Pew Research's 2022 numbers, 72.59% of the "unauthorized immigrant population" were people from Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean region. Profiling or not, it would not surprise me that most of the illegals they are getting are "brown". Throw India in there and that is 78% being "brown".
I don't know why color matters, what matters if somebody is illegally in the country or not. Are you suggesting that ICE isn't going to be deporting Chinese illegals?
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